Thursday, September 27, 2007

An Open Letter to the Fuckstick who Almost Killed Me...

Dear Asshole,

I know you are among friends; the incident which took place earlier has happened to me on many prior occasions to the point where my faith in humanity is practically obsolete. What makes that so fucking ridiculous is that it is a simple 5 second courtesy, unobserved by douchebags such as yourself, that continues to advance the notion that the human race is doomed. When I see jerks who have no concept of the very real suffering on this planet, and who scoff at the very idea of thinking beyond their lives and circumstances (particularly where doing something about it is concerned), it's true that I become irate. But when I can't depend on those I share said planet with to concern themselves with even the most basic appearance of civility, I can no longer restrain myself.

SO. I'm left with no other alternative but to express how unequivocally, intolerably vile I find you, prick in the white Honda Accord who gleefully sped up at the pedestrian lights while I was crossing the fucking street, only to miss me by a goddamn hair. Hey! Those flashing yellow lights? Are there for a reason, you unbelievable piece of shit. I don't care what kind of a rush you may have been in - you have wheels! I, on the other hand, am walking - and quickly, mind you, out of motherfucking COURTESY for drivers such as yourself.

By the time you decided to gun it (you bloody degenerate), I was already half way across the street. In the middle of the fucking road. Placing my life in the hands of countless strangers casually wielding thousands of pounds of metal capable of crushing me at the right speed. So what in the name of fucking hell caused you to speed towards me while I was stuck in such a vulnerable position? Apart from your complete and utter lack of respect, courtesy, and just common decency, I mean. Asshole.

Perhaps one day your dickishness will serve to actually kill somebody, and if that indeed ever takes place, I hope you're punished to the full extent of the law.


The Girl Whose Family Would Have Enjoyed Suing Your Dirtbag Ass

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And so it goes

I casually mentioned to my family that I was a feminist, and received a full day's worth of righteous indignation of the "you're so misguided and we feel sorry for you" variety. Apparently, I've been sucked into a "cult-like" movement that, apart from turning perfectly nice women into shrieking harpies, has no further relevance in today's world.

I don't know what annoys me more; the very notion of "post-feminism," or the misinformation that led to the dredging up of these tired, old stereotypes (not to mention having them applied to me). My brother actually said, two or three times, that "as a man, everything [I] say offends [him]." I had no choice but to take this as hollow party line, considering I can think of nothing I've ever said to him that should be offensive to any free-thinking Liberal - which he claims to be. Not even a single, idle "I hate men" uttered in a moment of frustration. (And because feminism is not about man-hating, he could not even rightly attribute the aforementioned statement to my "joining the dark side" if I'd said it).

Hmm. I'm not pristine, so I'll qualify: nothing I've said should ever have offended him as a man. I'll cop to calling him a douchebag from time to time for reasons wholly unrelated to feminism and gender. But, I digress.

I am a feminist simply because I'm a woman. Because of the constant challenge to reproductive rights, because of every double standard, every stereotype, because of the word "slut." Because of oppressive religious dogma, and because women aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Because a shocking 96% of Egyptian women are said to have undergone Female Genital Mutilation. Because "Working mother" is a title, but "Working father" is redundant. Because I have always had one name and I don't think marriage should change it.

Because feminism IS a social justice movement, and social justice is what I live for.

And just because many, many women out there ARE feminists, but say things like "I'm not a feminist, but..."